Monday, November 12, 2012

I Can See Clearly Now!

Dear World,

My glasses broke today. One of the ear pieces snapped off. My first reaction was mild sorrow and slight irritation. I'm fine now though. Anyway, to share what happened:

I'm sitting at the table, looking blankly at my now broken glasses. Step one: call the ophthalmology office and learn what my options are. Step two: decide which option is the best. Step three: follow through on decision. I go to the phone to call the ophthalmologist and figure out what my options are. I spoke to a lady who informed me the optician would have to see the glasses to evaluate if the were repairable or not. So I decided to drive down to the office and talk with the optician. 

Because I'm nearsighted, I had to dig out my old glasses to drive down there. The optician mentioned one option would be to switch the lenses with my current prescription into the frames from my previous prescription, but she couldn't do it at this branch - I would have to drive out to the other office to get it done. This seemed to be the cheapest option. This took care of steps one and two. So after she got me a temporary ear piece for my regular prescription, I drove with my normal glasses down to the other office to get step three taken care of.

By this time I was starting to get a headache from switching between no glasses, to current prescription, to old prescription, to no glasses, to current prescription, to... you get the idea. Thankfully the main office lab was able to switch the lenses with minimal trouble. There was something technical about the shapes being different and having to heat the frames to shape them or something... but it all worked out.

I have to laugh no since it's almost like I got my own little object lesson from a conference I'd been to on Saturday. It was a conference for the young adult Christian homeschoolers in my state. The speaker shared about worldviews. About how important it is to see the world through the right worldview.

Well, right about now I'm getting writer's block. It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's just that I don't know how to say it. So I'm just gonna cut to the chase: It hurts to see through the wrong prescription lens - whether it's glasses or your worldview. So make sure your vision is correct, both literal and metaphorical.
Anyway, there's a mini-analogy along with a personal update. Two birds with one stone - booyah!


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