Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Its the End of the World!

Dear World,

I'm sorry, but it's the end of you. I tried to log onto Tumblr to post something funny one of my friends had said, and TUMBLR WAS OFFLINE!!! The entire website was just gone. POOF! Vanished. It is the end of the world. Now how am I supposed to make my friends laugh? I NEED my Tumblr!

Well, now that I've gotten that little rant out of my system, I think it's time for an update. I noticed today that I posted three times in November! I think that's actually a record for me - let me check... Yep! New record! The most times I've posted in a month was three times!

Wow... My life is kinda depressing. It revolves around some offline website where I post funny quotes, and I don't have more than three profound things to say in a month, and usually less. One of my friends today was also mentioning how boring his life is. He was tweeting about how he'd been looking through the past year on his Facebook timeline. Poor guy.

Wait a second... Why is he saying his life is boring? He did lots of adventurous stuff this year! He took a step of faith moving to a new place before God had provided a job for him. Then he got learn more how to lean on God to supply his needs. (Which, of course, God has faithfully done for him.) He got to make a lot of new friends and meet many new brothers and sisters in the Lord. He had an amazing year!

Me on the other hand, not so amazing. Oh wait... there was that month long trip that I took (yeah, long and exhausting, but still amazing). And then the training in film production was also pretty cool. And Thanksgiving? Nothing happened, but there were some really amazing times of reflection.

Alright, alright, so maybe it isn't so much that I have a boring life. Maybe it's not the end of the world if Tumblr goes offline for a day. Maybe it's just that I don't have the right perspective. Maybe it's just an opportunity. An opportunity to catch up on a good book. Or an opportunity to have a family game night. Or an opportunity to finish working on a Christmas project. Or an opportunity to call up a friend I haven't seen in ages. Or... Oh! Oh! I know! An opportunity to write a blog post! Oh wait... that's what I'm already doing.

Well, I hope this post has been entertaining. Mostly though, I hope it makes you remember to evaluate your perspective every once in awhile. Someone once told me that if I go into something with a bad attitude, of course it's going to be bad, but that if I choose to have a good attitude about it, it may just turn out to be pretty good. I think that was my dad, maybe mom, but in either case I have found it to be true. (I have also found that I need near constant reminding about it, so maybe, just maybe, there's someone out there like me who just needed this little reminder.)

Anyway, I hope you all have a merry Christmas! Enjoy the season, keep your family close, and remember the reason for all the warm fuzzies: because this is the time of year we celebrate our Savior's birth.

Merry Christmas,