Friday, September 28, 2012

Contemplation after Coffee

Dear World,

It was a dark and stormy night. Actually it was rather pleasant weather, and it was early afternoon. The sun was bright and just warm enough to prevent the gentle breeze from chilling too much. The tall Vanilla Latte was precisely warm enough to make me feel happy and relaxed without burning my taste buds off. I was rather content with the temperature of everything around me: clothing, weather, and coffee.
Where was I? What was I doing? I was sitting outside a rather attractively built coffee shop reading homework and waiting to meet with a friend. The coffee meeting had been planned for three, but due to circumstances beyond her control, our third friend had to cancel. Originally I was feeling guilty about continuing on with the meeting without Cassie, but she and I had already agreed to meet another time. So for the moment, I decided to let go of that guilt and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Renee soon arrived and ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte. We sat and chatted. While we were friends, it almost felt like a "getting to know you" session. We met a few years ago through a homeschool group that met for Frisbee every week during the summer. It was a great way to meet new friends, but wasn't always the best environment for really getting to know someone. We knew each other's personalities and family members, but little of each other's likes and dislikes or even  past and worldviews.
As we sat discussing our childhood, teen years, and up to date "outside of frisbee" life, we learned much. For my part, some questions weren't always easy to answer. "Where do you work?" for example. "Well, for the next week and a half I'm employed at ___, but after that..." After a few such instances of "it's complicated" answers to ordinarily simple questions, Renee told me, "Your life is complicated." At the time, I laughed and agreed. But later, I started to ponder the statement.
Was my life really complicated? It has been, but usually when I'm forgetting to listen to God. It's like trying to put together a bike or play set without reading the instructions. Maybe you can figure it out, maybe you'll get it right, but it takes a lot more time and energy and it isn't a sure thing the outcome will be correct. Looking at where my life has been over the last 5 or 6 years, I'm surprised at how so many things just fell into place. Those five years look like they were perfectly orchestrated and planned (because they were perfectly orchestrated and planned... just not by me). When I was actually living those 5 years they felt so chaotic.
I feel like I'm back to the place I was then, searching for a job and wondering what God has for the future. My life may seem complicated, but when I take a step back and look at where things were in the past, I see that God was in control the whole time. He had a plan and all I had to do was obey.
Yes, my circumstances may seem complicated, but really life becomes simple when I remember to just trust and obey.
Waiting on Him,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dear Tooth Fairy...

Dear World,
Apparently orthodontic assistants are experts on the whims and isms of the tooth fairy. At least, that is what the young sister of one of my patients thought today. She asked me if she left an elephant's tooth under her pillow, would the tooth fairy leave her a pony? I told her that the best person to ask would be the tooth fairy and maybe she should write the tooth fairy a letter to find out.
Now of course the curiosity of my patient got me curious. What is the largest animal tooth? What is the tusk of an elephant worth? Would the tooth fairy leave something other than a dollar under a pillow in exchange for a tooth?
I was raised by parents that did not believe in out-sourcing the raising of their children. We did not have a Nanny to raise us. We were not handed over to the government for our educational needs. Santa did not teach us the meaning of Christmas. And the tooth fairy was not needed to dispose of our lost baby teeth. (While my parents did not out-source the raising of their children, my mother did make an exception when we were old enough to drive. She felt our car was ill-equipped when it came to that extra brake pedal on the passenger side. After a bit of research, it turns out to be cheaper to send your child through drivers ed. than to install an extra break pedal in your car.)
Seeing as the tooth fairy's services were not needed at our house, these questions the patient raised were ones I didn't have the answer to. So where was I to turn? The place I always turn to with questions of this sort: Google.
Question #1: What is the largest animal tooth?
If you guessed elephant, you would be right! (I actually guessed the Narwhal.) While I was not surprised to learn that the tusk actually is a tooth, I was surprised to learn that tusks are not always the canine teeth I assumed them to be. While this certainly is the case with walrus tusks, it is not the case with elephant tusks. Elephant tusks are actually modified incisors, and not canines. (On a human, the incisors are those front four teeth, and the canines are the pointy ones next to them.)
Question #2: What is the tusk of an elephant worth?
I found multiple answers to this question! One site stated $1500 a kilo (2.20462 pounds) while another site stated ivory is worth about $95 a pound.
Question #3: Would the tooth fairy leave something other than a dollar under a pillow in exchange for a tooth?
The answer is yes! While most of the time the tooth fairy will leave money under children's pillows, she is not unknown to leave other items in exchange for the teeth. A friend of mine received a very nice pocket knife in exchange for one of his baby teeth.
My curiosity being settled on these matters, I worked back to my patient's sister's original question. If she left an elephant's tooth under her pillow, would the tooth fairy leave her a pony? As it turns out, the tooth fairy leaves the gift with the person (or animal) who lost the tooth. So if the elephant lost it's tooth and the young girl put it under her own pillow, the tooth fairy would leave the token with the elephant. The reverse is also true, if the girl lost a tooth and the elephant put it under it's pillow, the girl would be the one to receive the gift.
Now I want to know, if she had the money to go out and buy an elephant's tooth, why didn't she just buy the pony instead?
I hope this post has been both entertaining and educational.
Until next time, 

P.S. - Below are some links to some websites I found interesting.