Monday, October 1, 2012

What's in a name?

Dear World,
A name is a very important thing to a person. Remembering or forgetting someone's name can speak volumes. Correctly or incorrectly pronouncing a person's name can be of paramount importance. Shortening a name to a disliked nickname can have dire consequences. A name is very important.
Today I forgot to wear my name tag to work. It's part of our uniform; you'd be surprised how few people actually read the name tag. Even fewer people will actually use our names. One day years ago I went in to work with my name tag on upside down, nobody (not even me) noticed until sometime after lunch break. Today I had a patient whose mother greeted me by name. I was surprised that she wasn't dependent on that little plastic plaque to tell her who I was.
I have worked on the braces of both the mother and the daughter in the past, and so I knew who they were. I had to know who they were - it was part of my job. But for her to know who I was meant something to me. Immediately my respect for her grew. In her simple courtesy of taking a genuine interest in those around her, she had made me feel more respected and valued as a person. And all she did was remember my name!
Not only did she make my day a little brighter, she made me want to do my absolute better than best job. I knew that my name would be attached to the work I did. I wanted that name to be a good one.
I struggle to remember names. Even with the patients I am responsible to know, it's difficult to keep everyone straight all the time. Between patients, relocated friends, extended family, teammates from various events and conferences, there are a lot of names for me to remember and over the years some of them fade from memory. I think my struggle with names is why I appreciate Psalm 147:4, "He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their name." There has been estimated to be about 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way galaxy. That's just one out of several galaxies, and He knows them all by name! Not only that, but he knows all of us by name. Every person that has lived, is now living, and is yet to be born. He is bigger than time and space and He knows you by name. Doesn't that make you feel special?
Sweet dreams,