Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tragedies, Calamities, Insanities

First, the Tragedies... I'm trying to retake a course on Shakespeare's Tragedies (being ill and frustrated, I failed it the first time I took it). I spent yesterday morning struggling to stay awake through Othello and finally ended up drinking a Monster. "This year," I told myself, "This year will be different." Unfortunately, I was right, just not the way I wanted to be. This year I was doing the course by myself. This year I was not getting frustrated with my classmates because of taking too long to read through the play. This year I wasn't hearing my classmate exclaim at the beginning of Hamlet "Oh wow! I forgot what a real video looked like!" (we had grown quite accustomed to filmed theatrical performances), this year I would not be killing Alex's character 5 times through the 5 plays. This year my eyes wouldn't be going weird from the projector colors. Yes, this year was different. Sadly, this cannot be said about the true troubles I faced last year. My classmates and I had been taking the course through a different college's distance correspondence program since our college quit offering the course. Hence follows the calamities.

Since I had once before taken the course, I knew what was to be expected and had started studying the material before my information packet, enrollment confirmation, and study guide arrived. When those items failed to arrive within the expected time-frame, I started calling the college but was left leaving messages on machines. Yesterday evening I was finally able to talk to some people, but to my great dismay (and here comes the calamity) my online application had not actually gone through and the college had no record of my applying. I was frazzled and frustrated. I think I even cried a little... Then I had to go about trying to remap my schedule for testing (which was a challenge since I will not be in town for very much longer). When at the end of the day a friend invited me to Starbucks, Walgreens, and WalMart, I gladly accepted, relieved for the distraction and eager to get some items from "Wally World." Here is where the insanities begin...

We went out and had a mildly thrilling adventure which I dare not share today for detracting from the story at hand. Arriving back "home" (actually school) I found myself bouncing about quite a bit, unable to remain still or in one place for much time. I made the comment to my roommate, "I don't know why I'm so fidgety right now!" Her raised eyebrow quickly brought to mind the Monster (which she disapproves my consumption thereof) and then glancing across the hall at my friends door I recalled the Starbucks drink. All the stupidity of it hit me immediately and I repented myself right quick. The rest of the evening I spent bouncing around campus in a Renaissance costume (that in and of itself is a whole new story) and helping another friend with her paper that was due the next morning. The caffeine high eventually wore off... but laying in one's bed waiting for it to do so certainly makes the punishment strong enough to deter it's occurrence from happening anytime within the near future.

So learn from my mistakes: 1. Choose your college courses wisely. 2. Actually, I'm still trying to learn the lesson attached to the calamity... and 3. Know your caffeine limitations and drink carefully.

I hope this tale brought a grin to your face, smile to your heart, and sparkle in your eye. (And if I'm really lucky, this may even have made you chuckle a few times!)

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