Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Curiosity didn't kill any cats... but it did get the human to join blogspot.

Thanks to my good friend, Nita (last names shall rarely, if ever, be mentioned in my blogs), I was convinced to get a blogspot/blogger thingy. You see, she doesn't have Facebook (gasp and horror!), nor does she have twitter (surprising, but not shocking), and rarely does she text (incredible). So when (miracle of miracles) she actually got a BLOG I decided that I had to check this sight out. I mean, sure, lots of my other friends already joined here, but those friends are also frequently on the internet and have Facebook pages... so what makes THIS sight so special that Nita actually agreed to join? The suspense was unbearable, so I stopped watching my Othello DVD (not hard to do... it's a rather depressing play) and signed up for a blogspot blogger. So here I am internet world! And I'm ready for the adventure (or boredom and humdrum, which ever it may be) that you have to offer.
Keep smiling!

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