Saturday, July 13, 2013


Dear World,

Hello there! It's been awhile. I've been busy. For those that may or may not have been wondering where I've been, read on!

I heard about an opening to teach English in Taiwan with an organization I'd been interested in for 3 years (but previously had been unable to work with as I had other commitments). I applied, but the position was filled by someone else.

I was contacted by the organization and informed that another two positions had opened up and they needed teachers to fill them asap and was I still interested? I took the weekend to pray about it, and when I called back to say yes, I was told I'd be leaving in a week. Thankfully due to scheduling tickets, it turned out to be 10 days. Those 10 days were a whirlwind of packing and preparing for 5 months in Taiwan.

I fit all my stuff for 5 months into one checked luggage, a carry-on, and a backpack.

I arrived in Taiwan 11-something at night on February 28th. Friday March 1st my teammate (whom I'd met in the airport 20 or so hours before) arrived in the town we'd be teaching in and met the principal and several other staff at the primary school we'd be teaching at. Saturday March 2nd we were taken on a tour of the other 5 schools we would be teaching at. Sunday March 3rd we spent the day with the PTA. Monday March 4th we started teaching. My teammate Janna taught 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades and I taught 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades in 6 different schools.

My teammate, Janna, and our host family, the Huangs.

We both continued to teach, but halfway through the month my teammate became suddenly ill and unable to walk due to swelling in her knee and foot. When the local doctors were unable to help her, she was moved to Taipei to see some doctors there. While her condition started to improve, her recovery was (and still is) slow. After she left, I took over a few of her classes at the various schools.

The kids at our church in Taiwan singing for Mother's day.

Due to the slowness of her recovery, it was decided that Janna would be returning to America early. I continued to teach. On the weekends I would visit other teaching teams working with the same organization. (The organization I work for has teams of teachers in 9 different locations in Taiwan - my location being the smallest with only 2 teachers, the largest location being a team of 8 teachers). June 28th was the last day of school.

Kelli from the Chiayi team getting some freshly juiced fruit juice at night market in Douliu.

July 2nd at 9 am I boarded a plane to fly back to America. Due to the 13 hour time change, I arrived home July 2nd at 4:30 pm after 20-something hours of traveling (changing planes twice). I was able to surprise my brother, Grandfather, and several church friends due to my early arrival home. (Due to my decision to return for another year of teaching, I was told I did not need to stay for the July summer camps.)

Went with some friends to Cow Appreciation day at Chick-fil-A
Future plans:
I'll be in America until sometime end of August or early September. I will return to Taiwan to teach until June or July of next year. I will not be able to come home for any holidays. I am excited to see what God has in store for the coming year.

Hoping to write more in the coming year.

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